Being featured on the page is a highly coveted spot! Breaking Beta Official is looking for high quality (HD) videos that make you go "wow!", an incredible display of strength, something funny, relatable, fun challenges, or anything else you believe should have a chance to be featured and go viral!

Make sure to tag @breakingbetaofficial when sending in a video. Also, if you come across a video that needs to be shared with the Breaking Beta Community, send it over! We all want to see it!

** Please note that Breaking Beta does get a lot of submissions and wants to encourage everyone to continue to submit their awesome content. But, due to the high volume it is difficult to respond to everyone.

Get INSTANTLY featured on the TAG TAB! (Ig Only)

Getting instantly featured on Breaking Beta's Tag Tab couldn't be any easier! Just tag @breakingbetaofficial in your post and everyone in the Breaking Beta community will be able to see it! If you would like to see yourself or others that tagged us, simply go to Breaking Beta Official and click on the far right tab that looks like this [See Below]. From there you can take a look at anyone that has tagged the page!

** Please note even though the post will go on the page instantly, the page is monitored and any posts that are NOT Breaking Beta or climbing related content will be removed. Posts on the Tag Tab are in no way representative of our values and ethics of Breaking Beta and we reserve the right to remove a tag without notice.

The Breaking Beta Warehouse...